Automotive Repairs and Modifications

I do a great deal of my own automotive repair. I find the challenge of doing my own repairs and modifications satisfying. In the past, I’ve done truck lifts, brake jobs, changed axles, replaced heads and custom work on my own trucks and cars. The list is pretty extensive.

I plan on capturing more of these activities as time goes on and writing informative (possibly entertaining) articles on them. Interestingly, Some of these projects and activities may cross over between automotive and boating. For example, the post on compression testing an engine is as applicable in the automotive world as it is in boating.

You may find an article on an oil change. Alternatively, the next article may be on removing the heads on an engine. It all depends on what needs to be done on my project list.

Compression Gauge

How To Accurately do an Outboard Compression Test

Why Compression Test an Outboard Engine There are several reasons you may want to compression test an outboard engine. If you notice the engine is running rough (especially at idle) is one. If you are buying a used boat than certainly performing a compression test is definitely in order.  Don’t make a decision on purchasing

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