Tools and Equipment Maintenance

Tools and equipment maintenance is an important part of the DIY enthusiast life style. As I go from project to project I’ll be adding articles on maintaining and repairing tools and equipment.

Chainsaws are another hobby of mine. I like to buy old ones and restore them. Some of the older models are built like tanks. Unfortunately, they seem to be as heavy as one at time as well. Rebuilding carburetors on these units can be done, quite often for just a few bucks and an hours worth of time. Adjusting the fuel mixtures and keeping the saw sharp is just as important. I’ll post a few articles on that topic.

You’ll also find posts on repairing equipment. My lawn tractor takes a lot of abuse. Consequently you’ll find a few articles on repairing the Husqvarna I use to mow. I’ll be adding posts on sharpening drill bits and mower blades and any other thing that needs to be sharpened.

Look for a  post on the evils of ethanol gas coming soon. I have ruined more than one carburetor on small 2 cycle engines with this fuel. I plan on adding a post on this and why you should use ethanol free gas on these tools.